Our Team
Wherever you are on your journey, you are welcome here. Come grow with us!

Our Pastor: Maria Penrod
Welcome to Paola UMC!
I am Pastor Maria. I grew up in the country outside Overbrook, KS, and went to Santa Fe Trail schools (Go Chargers!) and then on to K-State (Go Wildcats!). I received my call to ministry in college, through an internship with the Great Plains United Methodist Conference and a fellowship at the General Board of Church and Society. I went to seminary at Garrett in Evanston, IL (Sadly no mascots in seminary), where I graduated with my Master of Divinity in 2021.
From 2021 to 2024, I served at Aldersgate UMC in Wichita. I was ordained as a deacon in the Great Plains Conference in 2023. Deacons are ordained to word, service, compassion, and justice, qualities that I strive to embody in all I do.
My husband, Jacob, and I were married in March of 2024. We are excited to serve Paola UMC and the Paola community! In my spare time, I enjoy reading, getting coffee with church and community members, tomatoes from the garden, board games, and long walks across the prairie. I would love to learn more about you!
Email me at maria.penrod@paolaumc.org, call me at 913-294-3475, or stop by the church!

Shelley Snouffer
Administrative Assistant
I joined as the Paola United Methodist Church Administrative Assistant after 17 years in education and 6 years helping out at the Paola Free Library. I have been married to my husband Verlin for 48 years. We have 3 children, Morgan, Wes, and Amanda – and three equally loved children-in-laws. We have been blessed with four grandchildren, Lily, Verlin, Hazel and Anna.
Verlin was in the Air Force so our family enjoyed moving every 18 months to a new state or country on each new deployment. After leaving the Air Force community, we settled in Paola, Ks to be near Verlin’s grandparents, aunts, uncles and lots of cousins and to be able to spend summer days on the family farm.
We started attending the Paola United Methodist Church in 1985. Our children were involved with the Children/Youth groups. Verlin and I didn’t get involved with Sunday School until later. We now share teaching the different bible studies for our Friends in Faith Sunday school class. We transferred our membership to PUMC in 2016 and have gotten more involved with church ministries and groups.
I took the position of Administrative Assistant in 2020 just as Covid became more widespread. My job has certainly had many changes, many “thinking outside the box” moments and many opportunities to learn and discover, as we navigated through the changing needs and found new ways to ways to stay in touch with and support the congregation.
I am thankful for this opportunity to be a part of PUMC and the opportunity to reach out to people.